Monday, 14 June 2010

Now, how's that for timing?

My new computer can't come quick enough. I can't upload files onto my USB to transfer over. I can upload word documents, so a lot of them have gone on USB. And I'll have to change important photo's and word programmes and PDF's that way, bit by bit. At least I can library share my itunes, so no worries about my music going awry.

I was writing away happily earlier, thought I'd lost a file yesterday, and searched through everything. Found it first thing today and started bashing away happily on my keyboard. Then my battery ran low, so I charged it, and left it to feed the boy (who'd been running between the DVD player, his play room, and the garden happily. Boys are so easy, cars, balls, open spaces. All they need) and when I tried to start writing an hour ago ... nothing. Read-only. Then it lost it's file name (seriously? SERIOUSLY? How can you lose a file name but still be an open file?) so I opened the named file. Same info on it. I decided to give the writing stuff a rest. I wanna hammer the crap out of my keys, but apparently not.

I can't get along with 'the boyfriend pact'. I don't know why. Maybe because they're all whinging nonstop about their issues because one has MS and another obviously got raped and is now having IVF and the other's married to a serial cheater and the other one's just a bitch. I thought this was chick-lit? It's not meant to make me react this way, it's meant to make me go 'awwwh, that's nice' and laugh and hope the girl gets the guy. Nothing more. That's the entire point of chick-lit.

At least I have Harry to read too. I'm having new thoughts as I read Deathly Hallows, like the whole Harry-Hermione relationship, I can kinda see it through Ron's eyes, if that makes sense? Never have before. Makes it refreshing.

Still ... maybe I should've just gone straight from 'Our Tragic Universe' to 'Anna Karenina' ... but I do like to balance the thought-provoking books for some easy-reading. Maybe OTU just didn't have the impact I was expecting, so I'm thirsty for something more?


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