Thursday, 17 June 2010

Angry mode ... warning!!!

Grrrrr, today has not been my best day.

Seriously, the best thing that happened today was I served Brian, the guy who won Big Brother a few years ago? He was such a lovely guy too. I didn't gawk and point and ask stupid questions, but I was an awesome server.

But otherwise? Boy was clingy when I dropped him off at nursery. Sort of. He was glassy eyed and stary and I thought 'crap, we're going to have to turn around and go home aren't we?'

I hate seeing my baby ill. He's so floppy and lifeless and not the cheeky, cheery, singy, chatty little man I spend 99% of my time with.

But he stayed, and went for a hug with one of the girls who works at the nursery.

And I went to work, and served Brian, and then Claire came in and I tried to be nice to her and she was a little bitch back. Fine.

And then we got a mystery shopper, and I had to serve him. I hate the mystery shopper bit, not because I don't agree with the principal, but the managers get stressed and it's the pressure of hitting full marks. I'm not sure I hit one of the targets, looking back. So we fail and get punished and basically it's my fault. I know I'm one of our strongest servers, but that's not the point.

And then, on my break, nursery called. Boy's temperature was almost 39C. They can't give calpol, so I had to go get him. I gave him ice cream, and a juice with ice, and calpol, and let him watch his Bob the Builder DVD but he still wasn't right.

Oh, and I've been feeling like crap all day too. My throat feels like I swallowed 2 golf balls, and every time I swallow, it hurts like crazy. Every time I cough - and I've got those awful coughs from the chest - it makes it worse. And my dodgy toenail is almost off. I couldn't wear my socks without 2 plasters today, but it gives me these stabbing pains and I was limping anyway.

And by the time it got to bedtimes boy decided he was well. No dice. I spent an hour, with the aformentioned sore throat, trying to read to the boy. And he still wasn't tired. But I really, really fricking was.

And my mamma comes home just after he goes to bed, when I'm all set up to finally chillax since I woke up at 6 this morning (and this was about 9) and Claire starts being a bitch again. My conversation with mamma, where were you on the guest list Claire?

So I'm still in a bad mood. And trying to upload itunes again. And want to get the zylom funpass because their games are amazing on this laptop, but I've already expired 2 trial games.

It's better than this crap film Claire's put on. My Super Ex Girlfriend. I bought the DVD without seeing the film, and regretted it ever since. Oh Uma Thurman, what were you thinking?

1 comment:

  1. Awww hope you're both feeling better.

    And I agree that film's pretty awful!
