I love Maggie.
Not the same way I love Jake, but still.
She's quirky (and another slightly weird-looking actor) and I can relate, on some level to her. Boy is only a few months younger than her Ramona, maybe that's why.
I remember all my friends in high school going nuts over The Secretary. I didn't watch it until uni. I'll never look at worms the same way again.
I loved her in Stranger Than Fiction, this speech she made about why she paid only a percentage of her taxes cracked me up. Obviously, I know she didn't write it, but she delivered it with such panache. Will Farrell looked amateur next to her, in my opinion.
The first film I saw her in was Donnie Darko too, since she played Jakes older sister (ZOMG, it's like they're related or something!) she's played sibling roles with him before that too.
She was good in World Trade Centre, and Mona Lisa Smile ... I put up with Julia Roberts for her. That's true love. Did help that Kirsten Dunst, Topher Grace and Julia Stiles were all in it, I guess.
I've got a few of her films I haven't watched yet. I'm going to spend a few nights catching up on the 50 DVDs I have that I haven't watched (!!!), including 40 days and 40 nights, and Away we go (both Maggie's).
I don't know why I love Maggie. Apart from the aforementioned quirkiness. She's so up-beat and off-beat and I love her sense of individualism. All qualities I'd like to believe I have.
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