I didn't get any more questions ...
... so, why do I get called zee? Or call myself zee? It's so boring lol, but I'll give the whole story. Blogspot, post this entry or we'll have major issues!
Anyway, my high school was a selective school, I passed my 11+ (just) to attend. Think I was in the top 1/3 of girls attempting the exam in my county? It was in a town about 15 miles from my house, so I had to get a bus (or three) to get to school on time. Those bus journeys took maybe an hour in the mornings, and twice that at night. There were about 4/5 other girls in my year from my town, and we used the same buses, meeting up with other girls along the route. When you spend that much time together in a confined space you do tend to bond. We all decided to have themed nicknames, if that makes sense? To identify ourselves as part of that group. The things you do to fit in at high school ... so I had a friend who already called herself 'Ez' and another who called herself 'Taz' and we went with that - it was your first consonants, first vowel, and a 'z' on the end. I'm probably explaining this around the houses lol, but there was 2 Taz's, Ez, Boz, Baz, Saz, Kaz, Shaz. They're the ones I remember anyway.
So a couple of years later, chatrooms and message boards were getting popular, and I wanted to join a couple (mum thought message boards were as bad as chatrooms, but you can't clear a message board ...) and I promised mum I wouldn't put my name anywhere, not when I was still under 18. So it was either 'shaz' - which was starting to wear on me, and frankly sounded far too chavvy, or something else, some made up name. Claire used to call me 'Shazzie' so I just kind of lopped off the 'sha' part ... it put that distance from my identity I needed in pubescence, for my mother's state of mind at least.
So yeah, that's how I came to 'zee' ... and it's stuck since I was 14. That, I think, is pretty good going, since I rarely stick with anything.
But I don;t know ... zee feels like a different part of me too. I'm actually quite quiet and reflective, pretty easy going but still a bit uptight ... but when I'm zee I don't have so many responsibilities I guess? It was zee who invented train hair and started skipping along tube stations after all ... zee who's crowd-surfed at Green Day, got tattooes and piercings, let me read Michael Moore on the plane first time we went to America and spent the entire time wearing black and acting like a douche, wanting to go bald, practically living in Camden when I was meant to be studying in the Midlands. Every time I've had to rely on a pair of balls I kinda get into 'zee' mode ... but I wouldn't call me that at work. Not unless you want the place torn down ... although I guess I was kinda channelling her today ... was being more gobby than usual lol ... she's my wild side.
I miss zee :(
I don't think I explained this well enough to be honest. I get it though. Even if I'm the only one.
I knew that! I actually knew that! Well, I remember the part where it came from a nickname you had at school.
ReplyDeleteYou will always be Zee to me, it just doesn't seem right calling you by your actual name!
That's because you've been there for most of my zeescapades, Jam!