Thursday, 1 April 2010

April fools!

The only April Fools I experienced today, was the one where my managers didn't realise it was the day before Good Friday and therefore the first day/half day of holidays for a lot of people. Since Thursday day times are fairly quiet, there weren't many of us. There was a lot of customers. That's not a balanced equation. It was good though, because there's one manager who in times like that, will interfere with the way I work and slow me down (and mess things up then blame me. Like I wanted her help in the first place) and without her it felt like I was going at a good pace. Made me feel good about myself, lol.

Also, got a phone call and hour before I finished to say boy's sick again. He's got a big temperature and he was all floppy and quiet today when I saw him. Part of me hopes there's nothing too wrong, just a bug, and part of me hopes he's getting chicken pox, so he can get it over and done with.

But I've never had chicken pox, and if I caught it now I'd get shingles ... so I hope it's not too. Though I've got a holiday next week, so if we're going down, might as well be when my work can't yell at me. But I still have 2 shifts before he's allowed to break out in spots ...

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