Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Just a quick, blah-blah post

I've not been sleeping well lately, so I'm determined to be asleep in the next 20 minutes. Just wanted to do a quick update.

So this morning, I was dropping my son off at nursery before work, and this guy comes running through the kid's centre car park shouting like crazy. At first, I thought he was a psycho, then when he got nearer I started to understand him (but his accent was really thick given his excitement). He wanted water. His van was on fire. Cue the huge BANG from the engine. The school next to the kid's centre is under construction atm, so the builders brought over a few foam extinguishers and the secretaries at the kid's centre gave a couple too. It was still smoking like crazy though. But the best thing for my boy was to be in the nursery the other end of the building, so I got him out the way (couldn't really help either) and when I left the nursery, two fire engines were pulling up. We'd already passed an ambulance down our road on the way ... do you ever get that weird sense of premonition? The greater powers that be (God, Karma, luck, coincidence ... take your pick) are sending you messages? The trip from home, to nursery, to work, felt like a big, fat, huge message. I pass a police station on the way to work, but I passed a police car too ... and a couple of community officers on foot. At one point in the morning, I heard a helicopter, which I figure must have been a rescue one, since we get them occasionally ... I don't know that there's many more rescue services out there.

Good premonition by the way everyone - my day at work was kinda crappy. I got left some work and not told about it until the time it should have been done (I might have been able to do it before, but then again maybe not as a different branch had people over to learn this new system we've been using for a year or so now. At my station. Fuuuuuun ...) and when I could fit time in to work, someone else got in my way. Grrrrr ... I left the last few things for the late shifters, but I was in such a bad mood about that [should mention here, I can hear that helicopter again] and because every time I went to do it I got interrupted for something or other. And those interruptions were annoying, because the customers just didn't know what they wanted, or they were pushy or just .... argh, sometimes my job would be easier without customers. Though I like being busy ... I'll keep the nice ones.

And then when we got home and I put my boy to bed he was such a stinker. He won't lay down and listen to his bedtime story, and I talk myself hoarse, but he still won't let me leave. And he still interrupts if I croak on. I might introduce time limits. I can't read an entire chapter of Harry Potter 4 every night, they're getting longer and longer, with fewer mid-chapter breaks.

In other news, I'm taking another break from On The Road. It's easy enough to read and there's enough plot and the writing style's okay ... it's just lacking something for me. Empathy for the main characters? Or it's just reminding me of the few options I do have. I'd like to float over to Denver on a cocktail of hitchhiking and vodka too ... you're not fair Sal.

It's a bad book for me to read atm.

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