So, you know I was bleating on about my writing in a few posts, I had a block, I didn't know how I was going to get another one full, two half chapters, out of my story? I've written 16 pages in word so far of chapter 16, and don't think I'm really halfway through it. Whoops. It's going to be the longest chapter of the thing ... but ha, shove it writer's block, shove it! To be fair, I was all set to go on to one scene and before I know it the characters are taking themselves off somewhere else, but I was thinking the other day I needed a character in it more. And he's part of this scene that just barrelled its way in there ... so kudos Foster, kudos.
This is a weird way to write, isn't it? I mean, some scenes I think over for ages before I write, let them develop, some scenes I role-play through and write down, not exactly word for word, but definitely gist for gist. And then there's buggers like this one that are just like 'excuse me, I'm meant to come in here, did you not know that?' Um, no. Oh, and I think I had this block more because I have no idea how I'm going to manage the next one. I mean, I will, but I have to organise my thoughts more. I've written loads, but it might as well be notes on napkins in a box right now. I tried sticking it all together in word, but that just made it worse for me. I do have a list of scenes that should happen, but they're a line or two per chapter, not a chapter's worth of information.
Anyway, deeply disturbed this morning when I woke up. I'll confess right now, though nowhere else, that I think a few Jonas Brothers songs are okay. One of them in particular I relate to this story. So I was listening to one the other day ... and thinking up this scene that I'm about to write. And I guess it was on my way to work I was doing it, because the Jonas Brothers were in my dream, as certain characters, acting out the scenes I was thinking up in the middle of my work. I think about way too much all at once, it's so not on.
It's okay, I'll overplay Jack's Mannequin. I've been balancing Jonas Brothers out a lot lately like this. Although, got into the Kooks ... and Mcfly's Bubblewrap ... and I bought 101 Power Ballads ... most of my current music is pretty mellow. I'm obviously doing too much lol, I need mellow music to chill me out. I miss NFG and screamo ...
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