Thursday, 4 March 2010


Firstly, sorry for being so petty in my last blog. Since I couldn't physically hurt blogspot, that vented my anger nicely. Sorry blogspot.

I will repost what I was saying though, but it might take me a few days. It took ages to write.

Anyway, every now and again I've been trying to read "Wuthering Heights" here and there, and after a long pause I've got back to it. I don't know how long it'll be before I give up on it. I didn't like Charlotte Bronte's writing, I'm finding Emily's just as arduous. It's not because of the language, because if a phrase doesn't make sense I'm more likely to skim over the text and get the jist of what's being said (it's how I got through C.S.Lewis' autobiography, I didn't have half the vocabulary he used at the time) and I liked Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice so it's not because of the era. It's something about the Bronte's style. That or I don't like three pages dedicated to making porridge (or starting up a motorcycle, Stefenie Meyer) and I wish she'd just get on with it. Heathcliff's a bastard, Cathy's a nutjob who's going to die soon, I get it already (I'm at chapter 14, by the way).

But it's either this or Percy Jackson. Hmmm. I wasn't impressed by the blurb. And I hate first pages of books that start by warning you off the book. Um, don't you want people to read? I'm aware I might be prejudiced before I read, but I'll be prejudiced throughout the book. I'll still read until the end.

1 comment:

  1. After the hired help watched Cathy and Heathcliff make out, and all that was said, I'm beginning to think Stefenie Meyer only wrote Twilight as a 'what if Cathy and Heathcliff were together and Linton buggered off' fanfic. With names changed. And he eats his animals very rare.
