I'm not trying to offend anyone with the above title ... I just scoured my usual sites and for some reason (okay, it might possibly be because they know each other) someone on another blog and someone on this website have both talked about fanfics - one talking about her current writing, one reminiscing about fanfics we used to write, in the days where we had loads of free time (especially when we bunked) to write down peggy-sue's and mary-sue's or brief attempts at thinking outside the box.
I mean, I write my own stuff now, but I admit that to some extent, I picture certain people in roles. I might watch them in films to notice their tics, to see how it would differ from how I might write them otherwise ... does that make sense? Like, personally, I rub behind my ear when I'm thinking on how to phrase something I want but feel rude for asking, I pull at my bottom lip when I'm dwelling, but I can't have all my characters do that. So I pick someone 'famous' and watch them, and if they ruffle their hair or tap their fingers against a surface or something instead, I use that. So to some extent, what I'm writing is a fanfic. But when I picture the characters as they are, they're not the people I've borrowed traits from.
Cassie mentioned one of my old series actually, on the website. Flattering, because she said it was awesome. It probably was at the time, but if I read it again I'd probably die of embarrassment (I remember re-reading it a while ago actually, thinking 'this writing is dire, but at least you can get a sense of the character's emotions' ... I was proud of myself for that. And yes Cassie, I'm talking about Ice/Camp Capades. Why did we name them after figure skating? Lol). It's weird though, because I wrote one, so cleverly called Not Another Teen Fic (which I have, in unedited form, in three notebooks in our garage somewhere, completely with obsessive planning down to schedules, house plans and street maps. Nothing if not thorough!) and it's kind of the jumping board for what I'm writing now. But now it's with one narrator, not 20. My list of fanfics were almost impressive, since I'd written them from the age of 17 until I was about 21, when I started thinking on the stories I'm writing now. I'm going to be narcissistic and name as many as I can, and you're going to stop reading now, right? I'm not going to describe each and everyone one, but those with a star (*) I finished, those with a hash (#) I wrote with someone else: Blind Date*, Hyped Up*, One Time Only*, Ice Capades*#, Camp Capades*#, Wedding Capades# (yeah, we couldn't decide how the hell that was going to end, and my co-writer then disappeared off the face of the earth. Or to uni, if you want to look at it like that), Not Another Teen Fic*, Kissing# (slash!), Unattainable* ... oh and there was this one, Twin Town or Double-Vision or something* ... I'm useless with names. I just found one of the sequels to Hyped Up, and there were two, and Unattainable had a sequel too, though I can't remember if I finished that ... and a book planning the thing I'm writing now. I have too many notebooks, lol ... but yeah, I think my point is, I've done a fair amount of fanfics in my time ... at least 12 mentioned there, and another two or three I can think of that I at least finished. It's almost depressing that I've only written 2 in a year, but since there's more detail and thought in this latest project ... maybe that's not such a bad thing.
And as for fanfics I've enjoyed in the past? Most of my friend Kim's, although the only one I remember had something about firemen in it? I think she'd based it around New York about 9/11, though she wrote it about 4 years later. And one Cassie wrote, which is still up on an adult fanfic site, about Aiden (though she swears she hates them now lol) where most of them got their brains blown out in drug raids in Seattle ... since most of the ones mentioned above are romance, or relationship oriented ... Cassie and Kim make me feel underwhelming. Although, having read Ivy talking and posting some of her latest creative offerings ... maybe there's company for me yet lol.
And no, I'm not posting any of my writing on here. Though if pressed, I might talk about it, and if you press enough, I'll let you read a rough copy elsewhere lol ... and for Joanne and Cassie, the second one's coming soon. I probably won't bind this one.
I definitely agree with the picturing someone in the character you're writing to an extent. I do it all time time, but I think it's natural to connect a character with someone who has been in your life directly or indirectly. It's just taking something we know and twisting it.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had more time to write my own work. This summer, hopefully!