Sunday, 4 July 2010


I haven't done one in a while. Sorry, I just want to get the words right when I do post about my loved ones.

Kelly's really compassionate. She's insanely caring about animals - she's done a zoology degree, and has a couple of wonderful dogs at home (and correct me if I'm wrong, but a hamster too?). If you're talking about animals, or the environment, she gets really enthusiastic.

She's the first tee-total person I really knew, I know a couple of other people now, but she was the first. She only really drinks water, no fizzy, no sweet stuff. She eats well too ... basically, she does the opposite of me, and treats her body like a temple, rather than a trash can. She thinks of consequences rather than instant gratification, and more than once she's given me some perspective, a fresh look on things I get wound up on.

I don't mean to make Kelly sound like Jiminy Cricket. She may exercise caution but she's got an amazing sense of humour. And a great sense of adventure. Last time I saw her, a week ago, she told us this story about how her mum had said she'd never tried pot and always wanted to, so her dad convinced her sister to go get some for her Christmas present. Brilliant story. We were talking about tarot cards too, when we saw this tarot reader and I'd said I'd got my pack recently and she said she had some too, but hadn't really used them. Ditto Kelly (although, I was reading through the interpretations yesterday, before I picked up Me And Orson Welles, and then did the Tarot Diary thing the book recommended last night. I'll talk about that in my entry tonight or tomorrow morning, I guess) ... I like that even though she's calm, collected, and thinks ahead and I'm impulsive and don't have much scope for the future, we do have things in common.

Like, we both love musicals. Hairspray, when it was released, bonded us. Kelly already had clothes like it, I'd always wanted clothes like it ... we bonded over early 1960's fashion. She also has some amazing medieval dresses. But yeah, we both love musicals, even if that's practically unheard of in my town. She doublebooked Hairspray and Wicked back in February, so I bought the Wicked tickets off her, and she went to the previous night's showing instead. Wicked is awesome too ... I haven't got the soundtrack, but I do have Glee's version of Defying Gravity. That song is so haunting, but relatable at the same time. My brother-in-law said it was the chick version of Star Wars ('It's even got an 'I am your father' bit!') but I don't care ... and nor does Kelly.

I love that too. Even if she reads this, she'll be thankful for the positives but it won't make the slightest difference to the way she is. She's steady, not flaky, and that's in all aspects of life.

1 comment:

  1. Aww thank you.

    Though I must say I feel like a fraud in some respects! heehee
