Monday, 17 May 2010

Things to be perky about

My last few entries, save for the SATC prequel review, have been, I noticed, dour.

So I'm going to make a few points here to try and pep myself up:

-Scarlett Thomas has a new book coming out this Thursday, "Our Tragic Universe" where the secrets to our universe are possibly held in a knitting pattern?

-Kate Brian's 11th Private novel, scandal, is out on the 27th. Billings is gone, but Reed and Noelle will probably make their new home the next Billings. This actually means something to me, but is waffle to you.

-I finally updated my 'flavour of the month' playlist on my iPhone/iPod. Now I don't have to choose between mcfly, the Glee soundtrack, and anything else that takes my fancy.

-the sun's coming out, and boy and I have agreed to play outside more with his slide/football after nursery.

-my hairdressing friend is going to banish my numerous split ends thursday night.

-I have an early morning driving lesson this friday too.

-Sex and the City 2 is in cinema's soon and looks even better than the first (which I'm watching now)

-The two cars I like are both being sold locally for around £3000. That's got to be good, since one of them's a mercedes benz, right? (It's an A140. That, or a Kia Picanto)

-There's just over 10 weeks until I'm in Florida, at Harry Potter land, soaking up the sun and enjoying two weeks with my boy.

-my tax credits info came through today, so I can work out money, and stop worrying about that.

-refusing point blank to have fatty foods for the past week has meant I've lost 6 pounds. If I keep it up, and refuse wheat too, for the intolerance, I should be back down to a normal weight. If I lose track, it'll shoot straight back up.

-me, boy and his Godparents are going to London zoo sometime in June.

-my best friends are debating whether to go to Cyprus sometime towards the end of the year.

-boy and I are 1&1/2 chapters from the end of Goblet of fire. And he fell asleep at a certain point, so I could pretend I'd read him the bone of the father junk that was way too scary for a 2 year old.

-I'm getting better at my wii.

-I got Sherlock Holmes on DVD. Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law are a tasty team.

-There's only 2/3 more chapters for me to review of my writing before I give a copy to L (I didn't forget!) ... just remember, it's a draft and I'm still ironing out bits that don't make sense! I've left some in while I think how to rephrase ...

-I had a good day out with my sister and boy, playing in a park after buying lunch in tesco's. And found love with toffee butter popcorn!

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