Saturday, 22 May 2010

Good day, good day!


Scarlett Thomas' 'Our Tragic Universe' came out Thursday and I had to wait until this morning to get it (dear work, please schedule my hours, in future, around the release of any of my favourite author's books, so I never have to wait 2 days again) and when I was there, a book display saying 'David Mitchell' caught my eye and I went looking for the book (turns out, it's not that one) and *squeal* there was a new Sarah Dessen in my search!

Bit of a rip-off though. Penguin have started these'pocket money books' which are £3 cheaper than a bog standard book. I got it anyway, but the entire story was 30 pages. And there were 2 exerts from books I already have filling the other 60 pages. Normally, her books are around 250-300 pages each, and a tenth of the size for half the price makes no sense. It's a sweet book though. It's about a town in America who have a roundabout (it's a bizarre concept out there, but bogstandard here) and this girl is nervous about going on this roundabout because her mother is. Eventually she gets the balls to try, obviously, but it was kind of interesting reading an American's take on the whole structure. A couple of weeks ago, my lesson was all about right hand turns on roundabouts. They only intimidate me in heavy traffic when I'm front of the right hand turn lol ... and only because I don't want to crash.

Also, I liked the smell of Sarah Jessica Parker's new perfume, NYC, which I smelt the other day, but it was on a piece of card so I bought the 15ml version. I'm not sure how it'll mix with my skin acidity, the wrong perfume can reak of deer glands rather than the scent. It's fruity though, they usually work with me ... about a week ago, when I was in Lakeside with my sister and mother, I got this other perfume, called lost in love. I think it's a kids one really, but it smells really nice and sweet, and was £4 so I dont' care! I also had a hot apple pie and custard milkshake from shaekaways, it's called a Sylvia and was gorgeous! I'm working my way through the names, I've had George and Dave before, and other one I can't remember the name of. I love shakeaways ...


  1. I had shakeaways the other day, a turkish delight one!

    Yes, that's what I took out of this entry :-) I always read!

  2. When it's not such warm weather ... have a hot sylvia.

    I keep eating apple pies since. Not good for the diet!

  3. I'm not good with apple-y things. except apple sourz...haha

  4. Aparently, at a party where I had half a bottle, I turned to one of my work friends and felt the need to tell her 'this bottle says it's flabbable' ... yet I still love it!

    I love apple-y things
