I have so many things I want to say in this blog, and I don't think I'll remember it all.
There's a computer I want that I just about can't afford. It's about £550 and has 1000GB/1TB of memory. It's a laptop too. It's only in store, not online. I can afford £520 after bills this month, or put it on my card. But I promised myself I wouldn't.
I guess I could get an external memory for my laptop right now but it seems like a lot of hassle and I'd be worried the computer couldn't run without that external memory. And once I'd have moved everything I used onto it anyway, my computer would still only have a few MB left of space, because no matter how much I delete (and it's been a LOT, far too much) it barely makes an impact. I deleted 300MB of memory the other day and it didn't make a difference. How does that work? I still only have maybe 80MB space to run on.
So basically I can't carry on with Cadence, much as I love her and her dinkiness, but I can't afford better. Just wish acer hadn't lied about the amount of hard drive I could actually use.
And I saw Sex And The City 2 earlier. I don't know if Cassie reads and I don't want to ruin it for her, but hmmm .... I know I must have complained so many times about this before, but I've never seen it acted out before ... but they made up scenes to wrap up loose ends. Like say, Sam had gone on a 'journey' of personal growth and they realised that from what was said earlier, they had to get her into another position ... it felt a little slapstick. Take note, all books I've complained about before, what you've forced will feel like stale comedy. They also went a little far with the 'gun' concept (to enlighten you all, it's well known in literature that if you 'place a gun' in a scene, by the end of the book, the gun must go off. Two characters were given a piece of advice, for example, in SATC2 and by the 2 hour mark, the writers decided to 'set off the gun' and had the other characters go against the advice unwittingly. By this time, Claire was practically shouting in my ear 'what is the fucking point!' I got it, and when I tried explaining, she was like 'well, I just didn't love it as much as you, I guess'. Awwwh, hun, love had nothing to do with it. Scarlett Thomas' book keeps referring to a gun going off, but I'd read the concept before in a Harry Potter essay ... it was just fresh in my mind).
Only Charlotte and Miranda felt like they had character development throughout the whole thing, and the wrap up at the end was a little contrived.
But despite this, I enjoyed it, the dialogue was witty. The acting was superb, and the wardrobe and accessories, for the most part, were so gorgeous. I want Carrie Bradshaw's flats - both of them. Especially the 'love' canvas she has. I think I prefer her old flat, for the lightness of the decor.
Aaaand I got inspired, for a book of my own. The actual book was about dating, but at one point they were talking about soulmates ... I want to write about mine. I'll start scribbling some ideas tonight, but I still wanna churn out one scene for the Uprooted series I've been working on which has been screaming at me since Wednesday. I probably freaked out Lizzy a bit, because every time she looked at me at work I had the same expression on my face but really ... I was in Nevada. Sorry.
Otherwise, I'm knackered, 2 episodes from the end of Gossip Girl series 2 (is series three being released any time soon? My friend Carla keeps telling me little bits and I'd like to know what she's on about, without having to hope ITV2/ITV3 will reshow from the first episode when I start watching) and hardly getting anywhere with Scarlett, since I just haven't had the time. I went looking for Scandal in town, but it wasn't there, so I'll have to try Lakeside tomorrow/Monday (with the dreaded Sunday service). boy got an invite to a birthday party, so I went to Toys'r'us for a present, and found half the shop covered in Toy Story 3. I got boy a puzzle of TS, since he was so good ... it's 100 piece for 6 year olds and he's already done it. Twice (with a teeny bit of help). My boy is scary intelligent ... he can recite half of 'we're going on a bear hunt' and 'the gingerbread man' from memory. Oh, I won £20 on one of those 'rich for life' scratchcards, which was ace since I rarely play. I think that was my second time ever. I've also got 'potty training in a week' by Gina Ford ... but that's for another post.
I'm watching Eurovision now. Laters, potatahs!
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