Isn't it strange that I had 2 shifts this week but couldn't find the time to blog since Monday?
But that's what's happened - Tuesday I was in London hunting ;kraddy paddies' (krabby patties) for the boy for his party. Cybercandy were out (sorry boy). Found some amazing things in Covent Garden though. Guess who got a Gruffalo, and a gruffalo lunch box for their third birthday?
Wednesday it was a shift day. Spent the evening baking a cake.
Thursday the boy turned three. That's freaking scary! Anyway, I had a late shift so he only opened a couple of presents, and then went to nursery, and once I finished work we went to my sister's house to check out her nursery for the baby she's having in November and boy opened his presents there. He got a buzz lightyear I bought in America for $24.50. So that's like, £16. Yay for bargains, lol.
Friday I was shopping for party food and cooking party food and having my first driving lesson in 5 weeks and I only went for the accelerator instead of the break/sailed through junctions in third or fourth a few times.
And yesterday was party day, so cooking in the morning, and party in the afternoon (and a knackered boy sleeping until half 5. Sweet!).
Oh, and my brother's girlfriend's been over with her son all week, so there's been two 3 year olds running around causing havoc and pushing bedtimes all week. Not that I'm a bitchy mum, but her boy was up until 11 at the earliest each night. We let boy stay up until 10 Thursday (for presents) and Friday (because mummy was busy making the most amazing looking cake) and I felt bad for that.
Anyway, it's beach day today! So ... maybe blog in a few days?
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