Thursday, 9 September 2010

It's a learning curve

So ... to get ahead at work now, you have to have an apprenticeship in hospitality. I think I'm one of 2 who have to do it, and there are a couple more people doing it in management, if I've heard right.

I hate it. Sorry. When an initial assessment question asks you to identify the number three, you have to wonder what the hell you're doing. It's slightly more cash to keep boy's taste in fruit up. It's so I can afford Christmas. And that gorgeous tan tartan coat in Jane Norman with the fur trim. It's keeping my book habit well and truly up. That's why I'm doing stupid questions I can do in my sleep.

At least both my tutors have said I only need to suffer five of the buggers each, before my practice papers. And I can grab a couple of hours tomorrow to complete them all. And then I can arrange my actual test and pass with flying colours and get on with somethig semi-challenging. I know I shouldn't begrudge it because some people out there, including a few I work with, don't know as much as I make myself learn ... I guess I just got used to a higher tiered system in my time.

Speaking of things I'm learning ... I've learnt some things you just can't change. I had a little breakthrough with my writing, by doing something I didn't want to do. But I've actually started writing again, for the first time in about two months, so maybe I was trying to force an issue that needed to develop behind the scenes instead? It feels like I actually have a point behind the writing, like a direction for all the little points to go on. I still like my original idea, but in two months I've written the majority of another one of these stories. Two months without writing is harsh, for me (though I've jotted a couple of new ideas down. But I'd like to finish this one first).

Oh, and by the way, where are all my blogging friends? One of you's on holiday, one's laptop's gone down ... where are the rest of you? I miss reading about your lives!

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