But not much.
Went to London today with my little sister. Got some cinnabon, because London is the nearest place on the planet to me right now with a cinnabon. Almost missed it. Can't believe they charge £18 for a box of 4 normal sized cinnabons?
Saw Katie earlier too, who lives even further away. Didn't see her for long enough, but felt awkward because it was only 5 minutes. I definitely need to see my friends more often. Why is it the case that the better you get on, the further away they are?
Also, re-reading the second of a series I'm writing. I've got stuck halfway through chapter 15 so I'm trying to get into the flow of what's happening. The pace is a lot faster than the first story, so I think that might be throwing me off? But I also kinda like how each story is told in a different way too, gives each book an identity. Won't say much more about it now, because I do intend on letting certain people read this thing, eventually, and a couple of them have been proof-reading for me. I don't want to give away all my secrets, lol.
That's pretty much it for me for now. I've got a busy time next few days so might not be on. But when I get the chance, I will catch up, of course.
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